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Le roi des cépages

Recipes with Chasselas

Pommes de terre au Chasselas, féra fumée et vacherin Mont-d’Or

Pommes de terre au Chasselas, féra fumée et vacherin Mont-d’Or (pour 4 personnes)

Recette de René Muller - Restaurant du Club Nautique de Morges 

250 g de pommes de terre (Charlotte)
7 cl de Chasselas
160 g de filets de féra fumée à froid
120 g de vacherin Mont-d’Or sans croûte 

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Cuisses de volaille au four avec purée de pommes de terre maison et coriandre fraîche

Oven-baked chicken legs, mashed potatoes and fresh coriander (serves 4)

8 to 10 chicken legs (preferably thighs only)
1 to 2 handfuls raisins (dark ones are the best, as they match the colour of the olives)
10 black olives, if possible pitted
2 handfuls cherry tomatoes
Salt, olive oil
8 to 10 red peppercorns

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Coq au vin de Chasselas

Chasselas coq au vin (serves 4)

1 chicken, 1.4 kg (or 6 to 8 whole chicken legs)
10 spring onions, quartered
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
5 shallots (3 for flambéing, 2 for braising), finely chopped
0.5 dl Cognac

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Soupe au Chasselas

Chasselas Soup (serves 4)

Chef René Muller's recipe from the Club Nautique Restaurant in Morges.

4 dl chicken bouillon
2 dl Chasselas
2 dl cream
60 g alpage chees, diced

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Truite à la nage

Floating trout (serves 4)

Recipe from Jacques Montandon's book "La cuisine au fil du Rhône" published in 1977 


1 trout, approximately 1 kg
2 large onions, chopped

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Pâtes Chasselas Safran

Chasselas and saffron Pasta (for 4 persons)

Contemporary recipe by André Fuchs, director of Schenk SA.

12 cherry tomatoes
30 saffron pistils
1.5 dl of vegetable broth
0.5 dl of Chasselas

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Tarte flambée à la Suisse

Swiss Flammkuchen (for 4 people)

500 g of pizza dough
150 g of cream
4 spring onions, chopped
1 Vaudois sausage
20 raisins
Black pepper

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Salade de mâche

Salad of lamb's lettuce (serves 4)

Pierre Keller's recipe, former director of ECAL and former president of the OVV.

300 - 400 g of lamb's lettuce (baby crawfish or bursa), washed and prepared
100 g diced bacon
Two handles of pine nuts
100 g of roquefort cheese

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Brochet du lac de Joux au Chasselas

Chasselas Pike from Lac de Joux (for 4 people)

By Claude-Alain Mayor, Director of Mondial du Chasselas.

1 pike of 2 kg, trimmed in fillets and cut into pieces (head and separated ridges)
1 leek
1 carrot
1 onion

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Malakoff à la Blaise Hermann

Malakoffs (for 4 people = 12 servingss

By Blaise Hermann, Director of Bolle & Cie in Morges.

500 g grated Gruyère cheese
2 large cloves of garlic pressed
20 g of flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder

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Saucisson vaudois

Saucisson vaudois (serves 4)

By Thierry Walz, former director of Uvavins.

1 Vaudois sausage (about 600 g)
3 dl of Chasselas - Vaudois of course
1 bay leaf
2 cloves

1 clove of garlic
3 shallots, finely chopped
1 tablespoon of butter
250 g puff pastry
1 egg yolk
2 dl whole cream

Delicately bring the wine and bay leaf to a boil. Add the cloves and garlic clove.
Reduce the temperature, add the sausage and make sure there is enough wine (halfway up the sausage).
Simmer for 40 minutes and return sausage from time to time. If there is not enough juice, add wine or water. At the end of cooking, put sausage aside and let cool.
Peel the sausage once cooled.
Reserve the cooking juices.
Sauté the shallots in the butter.
Roll the puff pastry into a rectangular shape.
Put the peeled sausage on the dough and garnish the round with the shallots
Fold the puff pastry and brush with the beaten egg yolk.
Put in preheated oven at 190 ° C for 25 to 30 minutes.
Pour the reserved cooking juice into a saucepan and simmer. Add the cream and stir everything.
Remove the bay leaf and the garlic clove.
Remove the sausage crust from the oven and cut into beautiful slices. Gently wet with the juice.

Agreement wines and dishes:
With this consistent dish, there are two alternatives, according to the tastes, as for the choice of the wine: a juicy, fresh and dry Chasselas (for example Luins) confers a little freshness whereas a Chasselas well expressive and with maturity, eventually even raised in barrels, will bring an extra touch of complexity.

Source: Chasselas - From Féchy to Dézaley, Chandra Kurt, Ed. Orell Füssli.

Tarte vaudoise au vin blanc par Frédy Girardet

Tarte vaudoise au vin blanc (20 cm de diamètre)

Par Frédy Girardet ancien chef du Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville à Crissier.

Pour la pâte:
140 g de farine
5 g de poudre à lever
1 pincée de sel

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Envie d'un apéritif léger?

Pulpfusion - Boisson à base de Chasselas et de jus de pomme


Délicieusement frais & pétillant

Pulpufsion, une boisson aromatisée à base de Chasselas et de jus de pomme 100% local et légèrement gazéifiée.

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Sauce au vin blanc - recette en vidéo

Épatez vos amis avec une sauce au vin blanc, avec du Chasselas évidemment. Regardez la marche à suivre dans cette vidéo.